AUGUST 21ST 2015
Cape Elizabeth. MAINE, U.S.A.
Here is the first of four photoshoots that I took while vacationing with my family in Old Orchard, Maine. It was so nice to have a change of scenery for my blog and I think you will agree that this particular spot is absolutely stunning!
This was our third year vacationing in Maine with family and it was such a wonderful week. The weather was perfect and we were able to spend a lot of time at the beach; sun tanning, fishing, kayaking, and swimming. However some of my favourite memories were made every night around the dinner table when we would eat as a family. We are definitely a family that loves to cook and eat! and every night was absolutely delicious. Preparing food, talking, laughing, eating, growing closer and making memories - every evening was unique and enjoyable.
Spending time with family is so important! If you live close to family, sometimes it is easy to take them for granted, and of course no family is perfect either, so it can be a challenge for everyone to get along...but in the end your family loves you unconditionally so cherish each and every moment with them! In a society where technology is always at our fingertips and where being entertained is viewed as the most appealing option, we waste a lot of precious time. Time spent with your phone, ignoring the ones you love is a waste. Time spent with your family is never a waste.
"Time spent with FAMILY is worth every second." - Anonymous