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JUNE 18TH 2015



Lake Nipissing. North Bay, ON. CANADA.

Green is my favourite colour and these photos are bursting with it! As my husband was clicking away he kept commenting on the amount of greenery in the photos, as though my outfit was being muted by its surroundings. I felt like my emerald jumpsuit was in competition with the foliage! Silly I know...


Competition can be healthy, sometimes even beneficial, however if left unchecked it can be extremely destructive. Living in an age where people post the most beautiful moments of their lives it can be difficult not to compare. If we want to maintain healthy relationships with everyone, yourself included, learning to be satisfied with who we are and what we have is of utmost importance. Break the cycle of comparison. Focus on being the best YOU that you can be! 


"If you continuously compete with others, you become BITTER, but if you continuously compete with yourself, you become BETTER."

- Unknown


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