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JUNE 24TH 2016




Lately I've been feeling the need for change.


It's been just over a year since I started this blog and I really feel like it's time to switch things up a bit. If you saw last week's post you'll have read that in part, it came about for a global competition for aspiring bloggers like myself. I have to say that to date it is by far the most effort I have put into a single fashion post and entering the competition has really propelled me forward and created a renewed sense of joy in what I'm doing. 


When I realized that I had been creating content for Beauty Spot for just over a year it caused me to revisit why I started blogging in the first place as well as provoke questions regarding a possible course for the future. The initial reason I created this blog was as an excuse to buy more clothing - just kidding - initially I wanted to express my personal style and share it with others, but it became so much more than that.

I get comments on how I dress and what I wear A LOT. I say this not to brag (although I'm sure that's exactly what it sounds like), but when random strangers consistently come up to you to tell you that they "Love your outfit" or your shoes or your bag it does make a girl wonder if maybe she does have a bit of a knack for fashion after all. But that isn't all there is to it; when people compliment my outfits or accessories they almost always follow up with "Where did you get it?" and sometimes make a quip about how much it probably cost. Hysterically enough, for me, nine times out of ten the answer is the thrift store. 



This is where I knew I could make a niche. 


Most people think that if something is beautiful it must be expensive, especially with regards to fashion. I wanted to show them, by example, that recycled fashion can be just as beautiful, hence my content for Beauty Spot. I COULD allow people to think that I spend a lot of money on my clothing but where would be the fun in that? This is where I'm definitely guilty of bragging; when I tell people just how little I spend on clothing. The reactions I get are always incredulity - one woman, honest to goodness, thought I had spent three thousand dollars on a dress I wore to her son's wedding. When I told her I spent only ten she almost fell off her chair! 

Fashion can be affordable and you don't have to spend a lot to look great! By sharing my own personal style (most pieces being under ten dollars) I knew I could prove that looking great can happen on just about any budget. I've found shoes for less than the cost of a cup of coffee for heaven's sake! The trick is you just have to get out there and look. 


A year after its creation I continue to model extremely affordable outfits but every now and then even I like to buy something new. Bringing it back to the subject of change I have some REALLY exciting news about an upcoming blog post that will not be featuring thrifted finds. While I started this blog for the fun of it, upon re-examine my feelings I may want to start monetizing it as well. 

I've never really set a goal for what I wanted Beauty Spot to become, but having done it for a year I'm starting to ponder some of the shining possibilities that blogging can bring about. On that note I recently decided to put myself out there to see whether or not there is an appetite for the kind of content I create. The answer so far has been yes. In a few weeks time I will be sharing a fashion post in collaboration with my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE Canadian clothing company! #staytuned


The future can hold so many exciting opportunities! Much like searching for great fashion finds, sometimes you just have to get out there and look. Until recently I have been keeping Beauty Spot to myself but now I want more people to see it, read it, and spread a message of inner beauty, self-worth, and kindness. Entering that contest was my way of marking a change and regardless of the outcome (if any), I want to continue to put my blog out there and get people involved. I have a lot of ideas for exciting new changes; let's hope they open new doors!




"OLD ways won't open NEW DOORS." - Anonymous


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